USA-Trends show the average first-time voter is not very well versed in the political standpoints of Kamala Harris. Still, it is safe to say there are plenty of impressions being made, leading them to offer their support this election.
The black community sees hope in the future as they view the nomination of Senator Kamala Harris of California for Democratic Vice President as inspiration.
“I don’t really know much about her policies, but I do know putting Kamala Harris in office will make such a huge impact,” says Olivia Guilford, a first-year Psychology student at Hampton University from New Rochelle, NY. “This is just such a huge monumental moment, displaying the achievement of the African American community.”

Biden named Senator Harris as his running partner on August 11. If elected, Harris will be the first female to hold such a high position in the US government, and the fact that she is African American is striking powerful inspiration into many lives.
“Kamala Harris as Vice President would be inspirational to youth and women, serving as motivation to take on roles in their communities,” said Guilford.
With 23% of African American college graduates coming from Historically Black Colleges and Universities(Bridges 2020), some voters have a unique connection with Harris. Kamala Harris is a 1986 graduate of Howard University, one of the top HBCUs located in Washington, D.C. These schools are deeply rooted in tradition and foster an HBCU culture, unlike any other.
“Not only is he normalizing black women in power, but she’s also a graduate of an HBCU,” said Hampton University Pre Med Senior, Nia Bridges. “She’s an inspiration to HBCU students like myself who long to go far after graduation.”
Harris is also a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. with over 250,000 US members to support her in the US. Much like HBCUs, the Divine 9 Greek culture runs deep.

“It may be a bias of me, but I’m definitely supporting my soror in this election,” says AKA undergrad member Rabia Brown.
“Not only is she my sorority sister, but I am confident that as an Alpha woman, she holds core principles that are needed in the office right now.”
Her historic nomination is also giving first-time voters hope in this election. With Trump and Biden each having concerning histories, some voters are hesitant to participate in this election.
Experts are expecting Kamala’s name on the ballot will increase voter turnout, specifically amongst the black population. New York Times analysts suspect Biden is doing this because the states Hillary Clinton lost in the previous election were due to a drop in voter turnout of the same community.
“Before Biden named a running mate, I was considering withholding my vote,” said Charles Hammond, a 19-year-old aspiring educator. “But when he identified Kamala Harris, I felt more confident in supporting Biden in the Presidential Election.”
Similar to Hammond, other first-time voters have various ideas.
“I was considering voting for Bidden, and now he definitely has it,” says Jada Kennedy, a Business student from Tampa, FL. “But now I just can’t wait to vote in support of putting a black woman in the office.”

Although Hammond and Kennedy had a change of heart with Kamala’s nomination, others were not as wooed as others.
“As a democrat, I was already planning on voting for Biden,” says Garfield McIntyre, an Economics student from Atlanta, GA. “I do think she’d make a great addition, but she did not really affect my vote.”
Many voters have an end goal of voting Trump out of office. Their focus is set on supporting the best candidate to defeat Trump in November. This topic has been up for debate during preliminary debates before Biden’s nomination as it is on the top of the list for many voters.
“At first, I was hesitant about Harris because of her criminal justice record, and I’m sure I need to do more research on her policies,” says Autumn Wiley, a Hampton University student from Brooklyn, New York. “But at this point, we got to do what we have to do to get Trump out of office.”
Others like Aria Minter of California feel, “Senator Harris’ sophistication and class is the bow to wrapping up a victory against President Trump in November.”
Kamala Harris has made an impression on African American first-time voters. Her support is not only stemming from her political record or policies but from her inspiration, educational background, and social associations. Others are more focused on selecting leaders to defeat President Trump. Nonetheless, Kamala Harris’s nomination as Biden’s Vice President is expected to draw out black voters, boosting Biden's victory in November.